How To Answer: Why are you leaving our current job?Posted over 6 years ago by David Leadbitter

The key to success in the interview process is careful preparation, be it knowing your CV inside-out, researching your potential employer or anything else which may be helpful. You can also prepare answers to common questions, and today we'll be focussing on the dreaded 'why are you leaving your current job?' Continue below to hear from our consultants!

How To Answer:
Why are you leaving your current job?

Bad answer: The project finished a while ago and now I have been stuck doing maintenance/support and I’m super bored

Good Answer: I am looking for more technically challenges that will stretch me

Bad Answer: I just don’t like it there

Good Answer:  I don’t feel like there’s any room for progression and I want to continue to learn and see myself being somewhere long term and that is not the case currently

Bad Answer: I don’t get along with my boss

Good Answer: My boss and I have different visions on were the business should be heading. I would like to find a boss that shares my vision.