The Big Q: Should I apply for a job in a city I've never lived in?Posted about 3 years ago by Client Server

Q : I'm a full-stack developer who's lived in Melbourne my whole life. My family and friends are all in Melbourne, my professional contacts are all in Melbourne, and I'm also a regular contributor to the city's tech events scene. I've never thought for a second about leaving here.

I've been working in the same team for almost eight years now. While I love the people I work with and enjoy my job, I've seen a role advertised for a similar company in Sydney. It'd be a step up - more responsibility, more modern tech stack, bigger company, more money. Plus, my skills match the job description perfectly.

But I've only ever visited Sydney on holiday and have no family or connections there. Would this hinder my chances of getting an offer?

A : Moving for work is one of the biggest decisions you'll ever make. If you were to apply for a job through Client Server , our expert consultants would explore with you the realities of such a move.

Assuming you're a single person, you only need to consider your own motivations and wellbeing. But, if you were to be offered the job, the big questions you would need to answer would be:

  • Moving costs : Can you reasonably afford to pack up your life in Melbourne and move to Sydney? Would your new company cover relocation costs?
  • Living arrangements : Where in Sydney would you want to live? Would you consider temporary accommodation to start? What would your commute be like? Do you plan to rent or buy a property?
  • Homesickness : How likely are you to want to move home? Is your life in Melbourne something you can reasonably see yourself letting go for a job in Sydney?

More questions arise if you've got a partner or dependents:

  • Your partner's life : Would they be willing to move to a new city with you? What are their connections to Melbourne like? What would their job prospects look like? Do they have friends and family in Sydney?
  • Your dependents : If you have kids, a lot depends on their age. You would need to consider questions about childcare, schools, neighbourhoods, and lifestyle.

These are all questions your recruitment consultant will put to you during the application, interview and offer process. We want to ensure you've weighed up every consideration and that you're completely ready for the move. Not only will this give your new company peace of mind that their new hire isn't going to leave within a year, but that you're fully comfortable with the decision too.

The best advice is to talk to your recruitment consultant. They can act as trusted advisors on your job search and give you advice and guidance on how to navigate your move.

Talk to our team in Sydney today about how to get the ball rolling . Good luck!